
List of references: Boiler systems
Getec AG, HH Weylchem at Griesheim

A new combustion plant was constructed in cooperation with GETEC AG for ICIG (Weylchem) at the Griesheim location, consisting of two new steam boilers fired with pulverised lignite or natural gas.

Carbotechnik’s scope of delivery includes complete dosing and conveying, the burners with burner lance for pulverised lignite and natural gas operation, the combustion and secondary air supply, and a complete recirculating gas circuit, respectively including fans and volume measurement, as well as a natural gas control path for each line. As with other boiler projects, the flue gas side layout including economiser was realised by Carbotechnik.

Two times 13.5 t saturated steam at approximately 217 °C per hour is generated under full load, used as process steam in the chemical plant. The supply with pulverised lignite is handled by two DN 1300 dosing machines including Carbotechnik top-mounted filter attachment, each with a maximum pulverised lignite conveying volume of 1595 kg/h or the natural gas section with gas consumption of 1000 Nm³/h.

The plant was put into operation in the summer of 2016 after planning and installation work was successfully completed by Carbotechnik. In addition to smooth plant operation, commissioning also included testing the required safety circuits and final acceptance of the plant by the TÜV. Official emission measurements showed that emissions are significantly below the limit values for all load ranges, both with pulverised lignite and with natural gas operation.

The Carbotechnik scope of delivery and work essentially included:

productFlametube boiler, steam
power9,75 MW
steam output13,5 t/h
data21 bar, 217°C
combustiblepulverised lignite / natural gas

CARBOTECHNIK Energiesysteme GmbH
Lauterbachstr. 12
D-82538 Geretsried-Gelting, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)8171 9282-0
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